"A Face Like Glass" follows the story of a girl who had went to Caverna. The story gave me the vibes that it was similar to Alice in Wonderland. The people in Caverna have faces like glass, nothing shown on them. In a way it reminises the soul, a blank canvas and I truly liked that aspect of the novel. Everyone's an artist in Caverna and so they create wines that remove memories, cheeses that can cause hallucinations and many more. Emotions must be learned from facesmiths. Neverfell chased a rabbit with the intent to bring it to her master, or at least, that is before she stumbled into Caverna.
I found this book to have a quite fascinating concept. Despite the fact that this is a Middle Grade Fantasy novel, I enjoyed it all the same to my surprise. I enjoyed how the novel focused on bringing Caverna to life with its great detail. The way Hardinge used descriptors to encase you and delve you into the novel was truly spectacular. Another thing I thought was fantastic was her use of language itself. The novel was written in a way that could make practically anyone continue it irregardless of age or gender. This novel gets you thinking about certain topics you wouldn't have otherwise. For the most part, I must say I loved this book.
What didn't I like? I didn't enjoy how the novel was set up personally, most of it flowed beautifully while some of the novel felt patchy and unfinished in the long run. Caverna is a world full of lies me this novel really delved into that topic immensely and while I truly enjoyed that part. I also found it uninteresting. At times it felt too repetitive. Although those two little flaws, everything in the novel felt as though it pieced together beautifully.
All in all, I recommend this book. I'm giving this book 4/5 stars. Caio!
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